
Friday, May 23, 2008

Spiritual Brain authors catch bouquets and dodge brickbats

Recently, I heard that The Spiritual Brain received a "highly favorable" review in Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, the journal of the American Scientific Affiliation: A Fellowship of Christians in Science. The review won't be on line till next year, but I will try to get a scan.

Meanwhile, an individual calling himself Canadian Cynic was apparently quite upset that The Spiritual Brain was shortlisted for three Canadian Christian Writing Awards. Cynic doesn't like the book and vowed to write the office, but of course the office doesn't interfere with the judges.

Not Cynical enough I suppose. ..

Clearly, people are noticing the Canadian Christian Writing Awards and the Write! Canada conference that follows them. I don't suppose it is any comfort to Cynic that Mario and I are up against strong competitors this year. People who hate The Spiritual Brain will be no happier if the others win.
